This is the first official post of ziggalyn_blog.
The current website layout consists of Writings (the homepage) and the About page, which at the moment, is currently just my flag (the Albanian eagle is on there because it looks cool), a “letter” from the launch, and general ziggalyn lore.
The various Writings categories that the reader can sort through includes All Posts, Thoughts (essentially just brief remarks and updates, like this), and Articles. In the future I plan to add the categories Essays and Poetry.
The Articles category is subdivided even further into various topics (Wix calls them “tags”). These include: “Science, Technology, Mathematics”, “Obscure Knowledge and History”, “Pop Culture and Society”, and “Conversations with Consciousness” (which are opinion and hypotheticals). I’m currently figuring out a way to link these tags onto the main page so the reader can filter through posts by topic.
The format and design of the website will likely change over time, and it might be a while before the first Article post (technically the first real post).
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